What is "The
Coliseum" you ask? Simple: The Coliseum
is a live arena in which you may all debate
and duke it out with one another. Again this
is no place for the weak, this is for the
people who are ready to defend their views
with utter fervor.
-No Holds Barred: Like The Forum, this is not
for the weak at heart, anticipate people to
passionately disagree with you
Is allowed of course, I just ask that you
don't overdue it.
-Simply Click on "ENTER" , and that
will bring you to a screen asking for your
"Handle" and password.
This is basically your screen name in the
chatroom, simply register your
"handle" and password, once you do
you can log in.
Register: Click on the link on the login
screen, at the bottom that says: "sign
up here" and follow the simple
instructions, this of course is all free.
April 12, 2001
Time: 8:00 Pacific//10:00 Central//11:00
Eastern [PM]
Are Invited=-
Note: You can always drop by in the Coliseum
to see if any spontaneous debating is going
on, but this is a designated day in which I
will be making an appearance for sure. Also,
Capablanca, the creator of Guerrilla Base,
will also be making a special guest
appearance this night.